Boulder Agricultural Finance Lawyers & Attorneys

The agricultural finance attorneys in our law firm understand ag finance and its diverse dimensions. We can handle litigation matters, or anything else regarding agriculture finance. We’ve represented regional and local banks — those entities that make loans to agricultural interests as part of the farm credit system. We’ve represented banks in dealings with other banks as well as regulatory agencies. We understand farm loans and grants and can educate you on how they’re applied for and made. We represent ranchers, farmers, suppliers, and processors, too. We’ve also represented the Farm Bureau and other agricultural organizations. Do you need a better understanding of the federal farm loan act? Do you have other legal needs? We’re knowledgeable and ready to advise you.

Agricultural Finance & The Federal Farm Loan Act

The act intended for increasing credit to rural, family farmers was called the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916. A federal farm loan board was created. Also, regional farm loan banks were established, as well as farm loan associations. Ag finance was altered greatly by this federal law. Farmers could now apply for a loan for 50% of the value of their property. They could also apply for up to 20% of the value of improvements. Minimums and maximums were established for these loans. $100 was the minimum; the maximum was $10,000. Amortization for these FFLA loans typically occurred between 5 to 40 years. Farm loans and grants are an important feature of agricultural finance in America. Several businesses and financial companies of all kinds have their interests at stake. In light of this, quality legal assistance is essential.

Contact Our Agriculture Finance Law Firm

Our law firm specializes in agricultural finance. Our attorneys are adept at resolving agricultural disputes on a variety of fronts, including litigation. Ag finance is complicated. Farm loans and grants are important to the viability of farms and other businesses, and quality legal advice it important. Call us for a consultation right away. We can explain the Federal Farm Loan Act, for example, and provide any other information you require.